The School social

We bring to our Young Readers what they truly deserve!
Well-researched content | Curiosity-building topics | A safe space to share their creativity.

Hollywood Sign on The Hill
Los Angeles Skyscrapers

Make Students SMARTER EVERYDAY by giving them access to a reading platform that skims down
difficult concepts into daily bite-sized reads, brings pre-screened age-appropriate current
news and mind boggling games and quizzes.

Premium Subscription Plan

Delivered Daily-Make your everyday INTERESTING

Age-Appropriate - Personalised for Every Child

Highly Interest Focussed - You read what you're Interested in

SAFE and regulated Content -Strictly No Ads, Cookies or Tracking Codes

Personalized Reading Dashboard - for the Child

Personalized Parent's Dashboard - With regular Reading Reports

Get Published - Share your Creativity with our Secure Social platform

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